The Role of Nutrition in CKD

As your health care providers at Mountain Kidney & Hypertension Associates, we are committed to helping all our patients feel better, live longer and, most importantly, enjoy the best quality of life possible.

We have come to better understand the influence that diet and nutrition have on the health of your kidneys in the early stages of this disease. We now know that nutritional care can slow the progression of chronic kidney disease (which we call CKD)- delaying or even avoiding the need for future dialysis or transplantation.

In our experience, patients who have a better understanding of their kidney function tend to cope better with the serious implications of their CKD.

Diabetes, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) are the main conditions that cause chronic kidney disease. The role of nutrition in treating these serious diseases simply cannot be underestimated. Making healthy eating and lifestyle choices empower you to ward off the consequences of these conditions.

Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 1-2

Diet and lifestyle recommendations include sodium restriction, exercise and weight loss for cardiovascular health and to achieve a healthy body weight, blood pressure control, strict blood sugar control (for diabetics), smoking cessation, cholesterol screenings.

Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3

A low sodium diet along with a modest protein restriction is ideal for patients at this stage. Some patients may need to follow a low potassium or low phosphorus diet. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight, tight blood pressure control and blood sugar control also continue to be very important.

Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4

Diet recommendations include continued sodium restriction, moderate protein restriction, dietary phosphorus limits and possible phosphate binder therapy. Blood pressure and blood sugar control continue to be priorities.

Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5

As the need for dialysis approaches, patients will need to increase their protein intake, follow a low-phosphorus and low-potassium diet, be diligent in taking their phosphate binders, and limit sodium. Dialysis unit dietitians will be able to assist patients in making necessary diet changes once dialysis is initiated.

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