Brian E. Jones, MD
- 2021-2023 / Post Graduate Training, Nephrology Fellowship, Duke University, Durham, NC
- 2018-2021 / Internal Medicine Residency, Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Medicine, Rochester, MN
- 2018 / Doctor of Medicine, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, Greenville, SC
- 2012 / Bachelor of Science, summa cum laude, Major: Industrial Engineering Minor: Business Administration, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Work Experience
- August 2023-Present / Nephrologist, Mountain Kidney & Hypertension Associates, PA
- American Board of Internal Medicine, 2021
- Medical Licensure, 2021 North Carolina - 00719
- Medical Licensure, Minnesota - 65869 (expired)
Professional Affiliations / Committees
- 2020-Present / American Society of Nephrology
- 2014-Present / American College of Physicians
Certificates / Training
- 2022-2023 / GlomCon Fellowship
- 2022 Graduate / NBLU – Nephrology Business Leader University
Honors and Awards
- Karen L Campbell, PhD Fellow – American Society of Nephrology, 2022
- Tau Beta Pi – The Engineering Honor Society, Clemson University, 2009
- Omicron Delta Kappa – National Leadership Fraternity, 2009
- Blue Key Academic and Leadership Award for Clemson University College of Engineering and Science, Clemson University, 2011
- Tau Beta Pi Lindeburg Scholarship, Tau Beta Pi (The Engineering Honor Society), 2011
- Blue Key Honor Society, Clemson University, 2012
- Faculty Scholarship Award (individuals graduating GPA of 4.0), Clemson University, 2012
- Omicron Delta Kappa – National Leadership Fraternity’s Honor Society Member of the Year (awarded to University wide undergraduate deemed to excel most at leadership and academics), Clemson University, 2012
- Industrial Engineering Outstanding Senior Award, Clemson University, 2012
- Academic Excellence Award (Top 3 M1 Students), University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, 2015
- Curriculum Service Award, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, 2016
- Academic Excellence Award (Top 3 M2 Students), University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, 2016
- Dr. Christopher M. McManus Award – Finalist, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, 2017
- Alpha Omega Alpha – Honor Medical Society, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, 2017
- Outstanding Medical Student in Internal Medicine, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, 2018
- Torch Award, Sanofi Genzyme 2021
Educational Activities
- Clinical Decision Making Journal Club, May 24, 2019, Mayo Clinic Rochester, “GLP-1a + Basal Insulin vs. Basal – Bolus Insulin in Diabetes with CKD”
- Internal Medicine Morbidity and Mortality Conference, June 15, 2020, Mayo Clinic Rochester
- Clinical Decision Making Journal Club, August 14, 2020, Mayo Clinic Rochester, “Is GAD BAD?”
- Division of Nephrology and Hypertension Grand Rounds, September 29, 2020, Mayo Clinic Rochester, “Asymptomatic Pyuria as a Prognostic Factor in Autosomal Dominate Polycystic Kidney Disease”
- Mayo Medical Image at Mayo Clinic Medicine Grand Rounds, September 30, 2020, Mayo Clinic Rochester
- Division of Nephrology Grand Rounds, August 27, 2021, Duke University, “Clinical Case Conference – Multiple Myeloma”
- Division of Nephrology Grand Rounds, September 17,2021, Duke University, “Clinical Case Conference – Factitious Hypokalemia”
- Division of Nephrology Journal Club, November 18,2021, Duke University, “The BaSICS Randomized Clinical Trial”
- Division of Nephrology Grand Rounds, February 18, 2022, Duke University, “Clinical Case Conference – AKI in Pregnancy – HELLP vs. Lupus Flare”
- Division of Nephrology Grand Rounds, May 13, 2022, Duke University, “Fabry Disease: Review and Horizons”
Presentations at National Meetings
- Jones BE, Clayton SB. Clinical Presentation, High Resolution, Manometry, Impedance, and Standard Barium Esophagogram Do Not Distinguish Between Patients with Anatomic and Functional Subgroups of Esophagogastric Junction Outflow Obstruction. Poster presented at: Digestive Disease Week. Washington, DC, June 2-8, 2018.
- Jones BE, Clayton SB. Clinical Presentation, Radiographic Findings, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Results, and Treatment Course of 119 Patients with Esophagogastric Junction Outflow Obstruction. Poster presented at: Digestive Disease Week. Washington, DC, June 2-8, 2018.
- Jones BE, Chen C, Jaeger T. Community Acquired – MRSA: An Increasingly Common Skin Infection Presenting as a Red Herring. Poster presented at: American College of Physicians – Minnesota Chapter Annual Abstract Competition. Minneapolis, MN, November 8-9, 2018.
- Jones BE. Non-Infectious Endocarditis Causing Myocardial Infarction in Pregnancy. Clinical case presentation at: Mayo Clinic 5th Annual Multimodality Cardiovascular & Thoracic Imaging Conference. Key West, FL, November 4-7, 2019.
- Jones BE, Kamath PS, Shah VH, Simonetto DA. Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury in Patients with Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis. Poster presented at AASLD – The Liver Meeting. Boston, MA, November 8-12, 2019.
- Jones BE, Allegretti AS, Pose EM, Mara KC, Ufere NN, Avitabile E, Shah VH, Kamath PS, Ginès P, Simonetto DA. Predictors of Short Term Survival Post Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury in Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis. ePoster presented at: Canadian Society of Nephrology 52nd Annual General Meeting. Halifax, NS, May 6-8, 2020. (eMeeting)
- Jones BE, Mkhaimer YG, Mohamed AK, Neal RM, Randhawa AK, Torres VE, Chebib FT. Asymptomatic Pyuria as a Prognostic Factor in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. ePoster presented at: Kidney Week. Denver, C.O., October 20-25, 2020. (eMeeting)
- Jones BE, Tomasi, A, and Kattah, A. Home Dialysis Modality Does Not Affect Magnitude of Weight Change Following Initiation of Dialysis. ePoster presented at: ISPD-EuroPD 2021. February 28 – March 2, 2021. (eMeeting)
- Jones, BE, Onukwuli, C, and Sparks, MA. Non-PTH Mediated Hypercalcemia in a Patient with Newly Diagnosed Lupus on Dialysis. Nation Kidney Foundation – Spring Clinical Meetings. Boston, MA, April 6-10, 2022.
- “Analysis of Weight Gain Attributed to Peritoneal Dialysis as Compared to Other Renal Replacement Therapies.” December 2019 – present, Mentor: Andrea G. Kattah, Responsible for concept generation, creating research protocol, design, data collection, data analysis, and manuscript drafting.
Original Articles
- Jones BE, Shusterman B. Fabry disease in two brothers with proteinuria: A case report and Fabry disease review. Clin Nephrol. 2020;93:294-99.
- Jones BE and Clayton SB. Mechanical Etiologies Associated with the Diagnosis of Esophageal Outflow Obstruction on High Resolution Manometry. Adv Res Gastroentero Hepatol, 2020;16(1): 555928.
- Jones BE, Allegretti AS, Pose E, et al.Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury in Severe Alcohol Associated Hepatitis as a Bridge to Transplant or Recovery. Dig. Dis. Sci. 2021
- Jones BE, Mkhaimer YG, Rangel LJ, et al. Asymptomatic Pyuria as a Prognostic Biomarker in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Kidney360. 2021
Published Abstracts
- Jones BE, Clayton SB. Clinical presentation, high resolution, manometry, impedance, and standard barium esophagogram do not distinguish between patients with anatomic and functional subgroups of esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction [abstract]. Gastroenterology. 2018;154 (6 Suppl 1):S740-S741.
- Jones BE, Clayton SB. Clinical presentation, radiographic findings, esophagogastroduodenoscopy results, and treatment course of 119 patients with esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction [abstract]. Gastroenterology. 2018;154 (6 Suppl 1):S741.
- Jones BE, Kamath PS, Shah VH, Simonetto DA. Renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis [abstract]. Hepatology. 2019;70 Suppl 1: 825A-826A.
- Jones BE, Mkhaimer YG, Mohamed AK, Neal RM, Randhawa AK, Torres VE, Chebib FT. Asymptomatic Pyuria as a Prognostic Factor in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease [abstact]. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020; 31 (Kidney Week Edition): 500.